The warmer months are a great time to focus on caring for your property. Regular upkeep of the house and yard reduces future repair costs and keeps your house looking its best. From simple cleaning tasks like dusting and vacuuming to more complex projects like repainting or replacing windows, here are a few home summer maintenance tasks to tackle this season.

Clean Your Windows Inside and Out

Keep your windows clear by giving them a thorough cleaning. Start outside with a garden hose to blast dirt away. Then move inside for spot-cleaning with glass cleaner, newspaper, or a microfiber cloth.

If your windows look dated or are drafty, consider replacing them altogether. New windows make your home more energy-efficient by reducing heating and cooling bills.

Roof Repair During Summer Home Maintenance

Winter’s snow and heavy spring rains can be especially hard on your roof, so inspect for loose or missing shingles and replace them right away. You’ll prevent water leaks and mold growth in the attic.

Check your gutters as well; they should be free of debris like leaves and twigs so rainwater will drain away from your home during heavy summer storms.

Inspect & Repair the Air Conditioner

Inspect and service the air conditioner before summer kicks in. Check the wiring, hoses, and filters for signs of damage or wear and tear. If you don’t feel comfortable doing these inspections yourself, call an HVAC professional to do the job safely and efficiently.

Schedule a Pest Control Treatment During Summer Home Maintenance

Pests like termites and ants can wreak havoc on your home if not managed. Insects and rodents may access your home through damaged window screens, open doors, vents, and utility openings. Schedule pest control treatments to keep these critters at bay during summer. A professional exterminator will be able to identify problem areas and recommend a course of action for keeping your home pest-free.

Power Wash Your Home’s Exterior

A power washer removes unsightly dirt and grime from your home’s exterior. Just make sure you use the correct pressure setting for the siding and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid damaging your home.

With these simple tasks, you’ll keep your home in great shape all summer. Regular upkeep of your house and yard will help reduce repair costs and keep the entire property looking its best.

TMK Inspections provides inspection services to homebuyers and sellers in Southeast Pennsylvania. Contact us to schedule an appointment.