Roughly 70% of Earth’s surface consists of water, yet water shortages can happen anywhere. Between preserving our natural resources and reducing monthly bills, saving water should be a priority for any homeowner. Fortunately, it is one of the easier things to manage. Here are five practical tips on saving water at home.

Tip #1: Saving Water at Home Means Addressing Leaks Immediately

A minor leak from a faucet can waste potentially thousands of gallons of water annually. A professional plumber will fix these issues and give you peace of mind. Many plumbers offer 24/7 emergency services. If you ever face plumbing problems, address them promptly before water damage occurs.

Tip #2: Turn Off Faucets Whenever You Can

Many of us are guilty of leaving faucets on when washing our hands or brushing our teeth. Keeping the water running might be convenient, but you will end up wasting lots of water.

One of the easiest ways to reduce usage is to turn off the faucet until you are ready to rinse your hands. When you are brushing your teeth, keep a glass by the sink that you can fill with water to clean your toothbrush or rinse your mouth.

Tip #3: Only Do Full Loads of Laundry and Dishes

Washing machines consume up to 35 gallons of water per load. Running a washing machine and dishwasher too frequently is wasteful. Wash dishes and laundry only when you have full loads to save water and money.

Tip #4: Water Your Plants Efficiently

If you care for plants, take care watering them, as your plant-watering habits could be wasting more water than you think. Using a watering can saves around 33% more water compared to watering with a hose.

Smart devices will help you save even more water. Equip sprinklers with automatic rain-shutoff sensors. These sensors detect the amount of rainfall and will turn sprinklers off accordingly.

Tip #5: Saving Water at Home: Upgrade Your Toilet

Modern toilets with multiple flush options are great for conserving water. A low flush is ideal for flushing down liquids while a high flush will get rid of solid waste. You can expect to reduce consumption by about 30% simply by installing a new toilet.

The Importance of Saving Water at Home

Because running water is within reach doesn’t mean that it’s limitless, and it’s certainly not free. The more these tips are put into action, the more water you’ll save. Start with easy actions and build from there. Each effort will help towards saving water at home.

TMK Inspections provides home inspections to customers in Southeast Pennsylvania. Contact us to request our services.